With the completion of the Polish campaign, Hitler had acquired his immediate objective; but unless he could make peace in the west, either by persuading Britain and France to accept the conquest and partition of Poland as final, or by conquering them too, he could not count on keeping his eastern gains. Early in October he put out peace feelers to the west; but meeting no response, he prepared for a full scale attack on Britain and France. On 9th October, 1939, he issued to the Chief Of Staff Of The Armed Forces (General Keitel) and the Commanders In Chief Of The Army, Navy, and Air Force (General Brauchitsch, Admiral Räder, and Field Marshal Göring) a long memorandum justifying this policy and explaining how it should be implemented. Since 1648, he said, a Francobritish world system had thriven by keeping Germany divided, and it was only by the destruction of that system that a united German Reich would be finally established. Thanks to superior population, human quality, and equipment, Germany could defeat Britain and France, but, for various reasons, time is more likely to be an ally of the western powers than of us; therefore attack, which can decide the war, is preferable under all circumstances to defence. This attack cannot begin soon enough. If properly carried out, it could end the war, and therefore, if at all possible, the attack should be carried out this autumn. On the same day Hitler issued Directive No. 6, giving provisional orders for such an attack -- known by the code name Fall Gelb (Case Yellow). Directive No. 7 and Directive No. 8 added further interim instructions.